Ben Milam’s “Men in Black“ Career Day — The Law Office of Robert Davis Jr., P.L.L.C.

Texas Personal Injury and Family Law


Ben Milam’s “Men in Black“ Career Day

On March 31, 2023, Harlingen injury lawyer Robert Davis Jr. spoke to students at Ben Milam Elementary to discuss the path of becoming a lawyer and provide insight into an attorney’s daily work.

This morning, I spoke to 4th and 5th-grade boys at Ben Milam Elementary’s “Men in Black” career day in Harlingen, Texas. During my presentation, I focused on the path of becoming a lawyer and the practice of law. I discussed the hard work, dedication, and schooling required to become a lawyer. I also informed them that being a lawyer involves meeting with clients, spending time in courtrooms, and researching to prepare for cases. The boys were very engaged and asked many questions about what it’s like to be a lawyer. They were particularly interested in the court system and how cases are decided.

I want to thank Assistant Principal Rosa Fuentes, Counselor Christina Salazar, and Mr. Jacob Sanchez for the invitation. Interacting with young boys already contemplating and preparing for their lives after the Harlingen school district is truly inspiring. I hope they all work hard to achieve their goals, and I wish all of Harlingen’s students the best of luck with the STARR Test and the remainder of the year.