Goodbye 2020 — The Law Office of Robert Davis Jr., P.L.L.C.

Texas Personal Injury and Family Law


Goodbye 2020

Dear 2020,

When you arrived in January, few envisioned how you would unfold. Fewer imagined the ways you would disrupt and upend our lives. Under your watch, many of us lost friendships, relationships, and jobs. Some had to postpone or forego important milestones, like graduations and marriages. Unfortunately, others lost even more—the lives of loved ones.

Like many, I spent inordinate time worrying about you and other things I could not control. That wasted energy did not help me to handle your challenges better. Instead, I grew anxious and intolerable, which only served to compound my problems.

Harlingen injury lawyer Robert Davis Jr.’s law office at 302 East Tyler Avenue, Suite 1, in Harlingen, Texas.

With my younger brother’s guidance, I switched my mindset in August. Rather than focus on the negativity you brought, I became more positive and focused more appreciation on life’s blessings. I thank my family and close friends who helped me during some of the difficult moments you presented. I also appreciate my staff. They stood with me when others would have left. Lastly, I appreciate the clients who have entrusted me as their attorney. Hopefully, my staff and I can continue to meet and exceed their expectations in 2021.

Goodbye, 2020. I will not miss you, the distance you created between friends and family, or the pain you brought many people. I am not sure whether your turmoil will carry over into January and beyond. Regardless, I resolve that you will no longer affect my attitude or outlook on life. Instead, I will spend my energy trying to be a more supportive father to my daughters, a more effective leader to my staff, and a better lawyer to my clients.
