Texas Personal Injury and Family Law


How Long Should I Wait Before Hiring an Accident Attorney After a Car Crash?

Following a car crash, an injured victim has to deal with property damage, unpaid medical bills, and time lost from work or school. As such, speaking with a lawyer may not be the first item on the person’s agenda. However, it is always a good idea for an injured person to speak with an experienced injury lawyer following a car crash or other accident, especially if the person sustains injuries or other damage.

How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit After a Texas Car Crash?

In Texas, a person generally has two years after an auto accident to settle a claim or file a lawsuit to recover personal injuries or property damage. If the person is under a “legal disability” (e.g., if the person is under 18 years old), the limitations period does not start running until the disability is removed. For example, if a plaintiff is under 18 years old on the date of the collision, the two-year limitations period does not begin until the plaintiff turns 18.

Should I Wait Before Hiring an Accident Attorney to Represent Me?

Texas is a no-fault state. As a result, the plaintiff must prove that:

  • The at-fault driver’s negligence caused the collision; and

  • The at-fault driver’s negligence caused the plaintiff to sustain damages.

In Texas, a person generally has two years after an auto accident to settle a claim or file a lawsuit to recover personal injuries or property damage. However, Attorney Robert Davis Jr. discuss why it is in a crash victim’s best interest to discuss t

Additionally, Texas liability carriers are not required to act in good faith when dealing with injured third-party claimants. As a result, a Texas liability adjuster’s primary goal following a collision is to minimize the payout on a claim, not to provide maximum or even fair compensation to a victim.

After some time, witnesses may relocate or become less willing to cooperate. Other times, helpful evidence (e.g., dash camera footage and surveillance videos) becomes lost or destroyed. As a result, the longer it takes for a crash victim to hire an attorney, the more likely the insurance company will undervalue the victim’s claim for injuries. Experienced injury lawyers can help develop a claim by gathering necessary evidence immediately after a car accident to strengthen a victim’s claim and help secure maximum recovery.

Just because a victim has two years to bring suit does not mean that the victim should wait that long to hire a lawyer. On the contrary, it is in the victim’s best interest to discuss the collision and all associated injuries and damages with an experienced accident attorney as soon as possible. Attorneys need as much time as possible to properly investigate a claim and locate all potentially liable persons and entities before the expiration of the limitations period. Further, since most attorneys do not charge for initial consultations, accident victims do not lose much by discussing an automobile or other injury claim with an accident attorney as soon as possible.

Speak With an Experienced Accident Attorney Immediately After a Car Wreck

If someone else’s negligence injures you or a loved one, you have enough things to worry about. Do not let dealing with the at-fault driver’s insurance company be one of them. We deal with the insurance company so you can focus on getting your life back to normal. You have one chance to do this; make the right choice by choosing the right attorney. Call us at (956) 291-7870 or email us at contact@rdjlawyer.com for a free consultation and case evaluation.