Practice Areas

Legal Support for Injury and Divorce Clients

Car Accidents

Car accidents often happen fast and without warning, leaving those involved to evaluate their injuries and handle unexpected consequences. In the aftermath of a motor-vehicle collision, those involved begin to evaluate their injuries. Injuries can range from minor bruises to severe, life-altering conditions.

Bicycle & Motor Cycle Collisions

Bicyclists and motorcyclists share the road with other vehicles, often facing heightened risks. While any roadway collision can produce severe injuries, collisions involving bicycles or motorcycles can result in catastrophic injuries or fatalities. 

Pedestrian Collisions

Pedestrian collisions are among the most dangerous accidents, as pedestrians are highly vulnerable to serious injuries. Even when drivers and their vehicles remain relatively unharmed, pedestrians can suffer severe trauma or fatal injuries.

Semi-Truck Accidents

Due to their weight and speed, collisions involving semi-trucks and other commercial vehicles can be extremely dangerous and produce serious (if not fatal) bodily injuries. Distracted driving, drowsy driving, and other 18-wheeler driver negligence can result in horrific collisions with devastating injuries to those involved.

Uninsured Motorist Claims

Despite legal requirements, some drivers operate vehicles on our roadways without liability insurance. If an uninsured driver injures you, you may need to file a claim against—and maybe even sue—your insurance company to obtain the compensation you deserve.

Premise Liability Claims (“Slip-and-Falls”)

When you enter a business’s premises, you have a right to basic, common sense safety. If a property owner fails to warn you and keep the premises free of dangerous hazards, that owner may be legally responsible for your injuries.

Uncontested Divorces

When spouses have amicably agreed to part ways, navigating the legal system can still be daunting. We help clients handle the complexities of uncontested divorces by drafting and filing the necessary paperwork, scheduling hearings as soon as possible, and ensuring the process is efficient and stress-free.

Contested Divorces

When spouses cannot agree on key issues—such as property division, child custody, or child support, divorce proceedings are often complex and emotionally charged. We represent clients at all pretrial hearings, assist with discovery requests, advocate during mediation, and present the facts in court to achieve the best possible outcome.

Premarital Agreements

Many couples seek premarital agreements to protect assets acquired before marriage and to alter how Texas community property law impacts the division of the community estate. We draft customized agreements that clearly define financial responsibilities and asset division, providing clarity and peace of mind as couples enter marriage.

Harlingen injury and divorce lawyer Robert Davis Jr. represents victims of car crashes, slip-and-falls, and clients navigating divorces at 510 East Harrison Avenue in Harlingen, Texas.

Contact Us

No one looks forward to being injured in a car wreck or other accident or facing a family law matter like divorce. Whether for injury or family law, we understand that finding the right attorney to represent you is a choice not to be taken lightly. That is why we offer free consultations and case evaluations to help you understand your legal rights and options.

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