Car Accidents
Most of the time, car accidents happen fast and without warning. In the aftermath of a motor-vehicle collision, those involved begin to evaluate their injuries. Some may experience slight bruising or discomfort, while others may experience a lifetime of pain and suffering.
Bicycle & Motor Cycle Collisions
Generally, bicyclists and motorcyclists are allowed to use the same roadways as other vehicles. While any roadway collision can produce serious injuries, those involving bicycles or motorcycles can be especially hazardous (if not fatal).
Semi-Truck Accidents
Due to their weight and speed, collisions involving semi-trucks and other commercial vehicles can be extremely dangerous and produce serious (if not fatal) bodily injuries. Distracted driving, drowsy driving, and other 18-wheeler driver negligence can result in horrific collisions with devastating injuries to those involved.
Uninsured Motorist Claims
Unfortunately, it is common for some motorists to operate motor vehicles on our roadways without any form of financial responsibility (i.e., liability insurance). When you are injured by an uninsured driver, you may need to file a claim against your own insurance company to obtain compensation for your injuries.
Pedestrian Collisions
It may seem obvious, but any time a motor vehicle strikes a pedestrian, the pedestrian is in the position to sustain the most damage and injuries. In fact, it is possible for the pedestrian to suffer major injuries, while the driver and his or her vehicle escape relatively unscathed.
Premise Liability Claims (“Slip-and-Falls”)
When you enter a business’s premises, you have a right to basic, common sense safety. If a property owner fails to warn you and keep the premises free of dangerous hazards, that owner may be legally responsible for your injuries.
Contact Us
No one looks forward to being injured in a car wreck or other accident. We understand that finding the right accident attorney and injury law firm to represent you is a choice not to be taken lightly. That is why we offer free consultations and case evaluations to help you understand your legal rights and options.